In this section I will be comparing and evaluating the 3
designs which my group made, Abdul’s 5 wireframes designs, Remy’s 5 wireframes
designs and my 5 wireframes designs. By the end of this comparison I will draw
a conclusion of what the final wireframes will base our final design on.
<--Remy's design Abdul's design-->
I have looked at Remy's and Abdul’s designs. They have done a pretty good
job, Abduls I found it was a little bit too jumbled up by that there was too
many icons at the top bar, Remy's designs where similar in the respect that all
the buttons are at the top as well yet by look of things a little bit better
laid out. Both designs include the main pages links which are required. By that
you can go to the log in page, product page and so on, it's good!!! The
positioning of the navigation buttons is random in Abduls designs, by that
Remy’s designs makes the navigation process for the client a little bit easier.
But all in all I find my design to be even stronger since it follows a pattern
which the other designs don’t, making my designs stronger by that easier for the
customer to navigate around the website. This is a key feature that the final
designs need to be based on so this way we don’t draw the customers away from
the website.
Shortened word:
In all of our designs there is proximity which allows the user to
concentrate on specific areas which are common grouped together, this is where
my designs I feel are the strongest, in comparison to Abduls designs where I
feel like most items don’t belong where they should by that the design does not
fit in well. For example the “software download” button is at the top of the
screen in the middle of nowhere, at the bottom of the page there is other
groups of buttons which don’t need to be there such as deliveries, feedback and
about us. Simply because we will not be creating the following pages deliveries
and feedback. About us buttons will make it easier for the customer if they
found it at the top menu like in my designs which all in all that’s where it is
on most websites.
In Remy's designs are well conman grouped, I feel that some of the pages
links should be at the bottom of the screen such as website policy. Some of the
links buttons for the other pages are missing, making the design not compatible
with the matrix which shows the way the website will be operating. By this we
need to make sure we make the design compatible with the matrix in order to
insure that the client will get what they have asked for. My design follows the
matrix very closely by that it will make an ideal choice to choose it for the
base of our website since it has the buttons links already in place.
In my design I liked the way there are only 4 menu bars which makes the
page really well sorted out, in Abdul’s designs the buttons are jumbled up by
that I can make it difficult for the user to follow through, in Remy’s designs
the buttons are better laid out but I think my ones look better and are place
better, Home, Products, Software, About pages. I didn’t like the way Remy added
the register page in to the menu bar I liked the way Abdul did it, it's similar
to mine in the same way so its at the top corner of the webpage and has a icon
instead of writing.
Abdul and Remy seemed to use be using greens in their
designs as we have discussed in previews meets, in Abdul’s colours scheme we
see other colours such as red and blue which don’t really go with the green in Remy’s
designs there is lots of brown and black although they are earth colours they
don’t look ideal for the purpose we are trying to archive in my opinion by that
we should take different shades of green and use primarily only green for these
designs this way the website can stay with the theme of hiking and outdoor
rather than having dark or random colours which make the website look unprofessional.
In comparison to their design I have used only greens in the wireframes designs,
by that being another reason why my design should be used as the template to design
the final designs on. If we choose ugly colours it will make our website uninviting
to our customers by that there will be less of them buying our products. We need
to ensure that the people will like it so they go on it therefore there will be
more of a chance for people to buy the actually stuff. The green will welcome all
sides of the gender tree male and female to little boys to little girls. Because
it’s green the customers will automatically known and symbolise what the site
is about, nature and hiking. In comparison to the black which Remy uses in he’s
wire frames which may symbolise other things.
The top bar where everything is in may be a little bit
too big in all of our designs, looking at other bigger websites such as
or we can see how their top bar is very small this allows them more
space for the products to go under it and produce more advertising. But in
comparison to that our webpage will only be selling 2-3 products in comparison
to which sells thousands of products the advertising needs will not
be as much required as the products which all go through or
therefore for filling this need.
At the bottom of the page it’s the website police page
which does not require as much space as I have left on it therefore the space
can be moved down a little bit so this way there is left more room for the
items on the top which will be used more and is more important for them to have
more space since they will allow the company to function.
None of our designs makes the page to scroll up or down,
this is something that we had agreed in our previews meetings and that’s how we
have designed the wireframes. This is important for both parties us and the customers,
it allows everything in that group to be see together and the hustle of moving
the mouse down to see the more important bits like the advertising it’s eliminated.
Although the customer might not appreciate it this way they will be able to see
everything there is to see on the website. All of our designs meet these points
therefore are each good as each others.
The little things:
All the designs suffer from little errors, by that tweaks
need to be made in order to insure that the final designs function and works
log in wireframe does not have a “log in” Button
log in wireframe missing links and buttons
accessories wireframe does not have a “buy”
Accounts page does not require such a big recommended
products box. By the no symmetry
The home page menu lay out is different from the
Requires better colour scheme
Feedback does not need to be there.
The home page menu lay out is different from the
Symmetry missing, everywhere.
Requires better colour scheme
Too much space left at the bottom for website
Tel number maybe irrelevant since we are trying
to sell online
Based on the following evaluation I think my design is the strongest by
that we should make our website based on it. It has the strongest colours
scheme, easiest to follow, best lay out and strongest symmetry. I will persuade
Abdul and Remy to agree to use my designs as a base in order to create the
website required and meet requirements and specifications of the client. If we
are to use their designs as they are the website will not meet the
specifications asked by the client through the matrix diagram.
Action taken:
During a short meeting we agreed into using my wire frame
design as the one which the website will be based on. During the final design
we'll have to consider adding the register page as part of the top banner
through out of the pages which I didn't add, because at first my matrix design
suggested that the user should only go on it through the log in page.