Thursday, 28 June 2012

D3 Unit 21 web site

Comparing “user side” and “server side” factors which can influence a website’s performance...                            D3

Who is affected by what...

There are more factors which can affect the user from opening and being functional with a website in comparison to the server side that limits the website from performing or functioning. In comparison to that if the server side fails the users will not have a website to go. If the server fails the whole website stops functioning where as if the user’s side fails only they will not be able to interact with the website, yet other users will still be able to use the website. Where as the user point of view is how quickly a website loads, the web designers point of view is how quickly the surver can deliver multiple pages to multiple nodes all around the world.

Average user ...


User and their computers vary through, some users have powerful machines which use multi core processors with high RAM cards inserted to allow speed and multifunction with high speed broadband where as some users may find it reasonably time consuming where as other users with single core processors with dial-up internet may find it too long for it to download and leave the website. The designer will have to find a mid point where they have enough quality to ensure that high end users stay satisfied but quick enough for users which have less than average speeds. This will ensure that both parties stay online and are interested in the product on the website without being to cautious and annoyed with the speed/quality that leave. All the users will be effected by the bandwidth of the server is not big enough then it may suffer from overcrowding and downloading data between lots of clients become very slow. No matter how fast their computer or internet connection is.

3G/Mobile phones

When designing webpage the designer will also have to consider the mobile phone users, they use 3G signalling which tends to be slower but also more expensive for the user as their data is measured by byte sent or seconds on the internet. As they also tend to be in a hurry when using the internet on the phone waiting for a big webpage to deliver all it graphics/animation/videos nothing can be more annoying for them but to wait, they still expect performance.  New websites tend to have a mobile phone versions of them self’s which are made so the coding recognises them when a phone is used and switches the webpage in to mobile phone format where the website is made smaller by having fewer or smaller in size pictures, animation or videos. Web developers have a different teams working on different parts of the website for the computer and a team working for the mobile phone website.

Software – Users Browser:

Web developers  are always looking in new ways to advance their website so it has something new and special about a website. This has created problems old type user and not being able to open the content. AJAX is a new form of sending data through the server, this allows them to send a large amount of data at one time without holding back the speed and the time is received in.  This has bough in the plug in world of Flash,  Silverlight, ActiveX, Java and Javascript. But also creating problem for the out of data users which don’t have these plug-ins , as they will not be able to open the site which they require. Requiring a update of browser or adding on extra plug –ins. As some old fashioned customers go they may not bother updating but simply leaving the site.

Location of server:

This will determine how quickly the user gets their information, if the server is based in a far away location the information will take longer to reach it’s distinction causing a delay to the users. Others may get theirs quicker as they may be closer based to the server location.[i]


Book: Information practitioners Book 2, Editor: Jenny Lawson, page 218- 219 Section: 21.3.2-

P5 Unit 21 website

Describe the various factors that that influences the performance of a website...                                                   P5

Website filled with large data on them takes longer for user to open the page up, resulting for the customer to leave because the page takes far too long to open. There are methods of eliminating this problem and speeding up the website in order to make it a more pleasant experience so the website operates in a more efficient way.
The designers will consider...

File Type:

This can take places from images, sound to animation/videos, by simply changing the file type the file can reduce its size resulting in the website to download that little bit quicker. Developers are challenged to make this decision every day, whether they require more quality or less size that will make the website download quicker.

Image Files...

File size can be determent by the file format saved by that the graphic can be very small or big depending on the use of the image. Small size files are used for the internet so this way they would load up quicker, yet often smaller size graphic files tend to lose quality or not be as good as a bigger sized file; bigger sized files are usually used for big posters and magazines where high level of image quality is needed, the bigger the size usually the more the detail therefore the better the image.
The image quality and size can also be changed and depending on the file formats by compression, this ideal as on most images the quality is barely invisible making it impossible for the untrained eye to spot the difference. As the image gets more and more compressed it loses more of it quality.  But as it loses quality it loose file size becomes smaller this way the file can be used for purposes such as using the file website, this will save time for the user when they are trying to open.  This can be done whilst saving the file where the user can choose from the percentages or from low, medium or high compression, other software packages use percentages of how much quality the image is going to have. This can causes the resolution to lose the many of it varieties of colour this mean that although the image will still maintain the same some of it colours will go away causing the image to use less of its colour. By that if a picture has a 24 bit colours and it was changed to something extremely low such as 4 bit colours the image will become very blocky. This image will then be useless and unnecessary as now one can tell what the image is all about. Bitmap file types have a maximum colour palette of 256 colours, this would mean that the image is more likely to be small in size. Where as a jpeg it has a larger colour palette which would mean the high colour images will be bigger in size.

Sound Files...

 Sound can be compressed just like images, as sound travels in waves and are continuous where as digital sound waves are expressed in a regular intervals with a small gap in  between that is so small that the human ear can’t detect or hear the pause. Compressing digital sound will result in hearing the pause when compressed to that level, in contrast the size will get smaller.
Changing the file type can also reduce the file size, .wav file types tend to be quiet big in size as they tend to replicate the instruments in a very good way, as the sound would in as appear if it’s made by it. If the file was changed to .MP3 the file size is likely for it to be smaller. This mostly down to the fact that it tends to stores the low sample rate. Yet using this method will enable more tracks to be stored   on a given drive or simple make the downloading process quicker. The higher the rate the better the quality of the sound yet larger the file which may cause problems to downloading.
Consideration to users will also include whether they have the right plug ins on their browser, if the music file is uploaded on Internet Explorer 9 because it has sound plug-in the sound will be played. this is what most modern users are likely to have. But if they are using Internet Explorer 5 they may need to install the plug-in before being able to hearing the sound.

Video/Animation files:

Videos and animations files are most likely to cause problems to users. Having these types of files on the webpage may cause it to significantly slow down. Because even small animations/videos tend to still be bigger in size than an image.
 Due to the size of them they may be hard to control a large proportion of bandwidth will be send out of the web server, even with the highest speed internet the connection may still be slow and big files may take too long to download and cause the customer to leave the page. The more video and animation is used in the website the slower the website will operate.

User side factors:

The users connection to the internet speed will vary how much data they can receive.
Dail-up: speeds up to 56kbp
ADSL: speeds from 1Mbps to 8Mbps
Broadband: speeds up to 150mps
As speed connection will determine the rate of download so will the computer’s hardware, things such CPU, RAM and the Hard drive. Consideration should take place whether the customer will be able to handle x amount of data sent to them , if too much is put on the website they might not be able to open it because it will take too long.

Server Side factors:

 The servers capabilities should also be taken into a account if the server cannot sent out enough data across the website may not be able to function.
Bandwidth is the factor which determines how much data can be send across by the web server. Also differentiating how much download material can be extracted from it. This can be thought as a pipe,  bigger the pipe the more data can be send down it, bigger the website in terms of popularity and users which download such items the bigger bandwidth will be required for it to function, meaning the fewer users will be able to download items.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Evaluation of effectiveness of project plan... D2

Evaluation of effectiveness of project plan... D2


Using a project plan gives a over view of what is required of the people which are involved in that particular project, this is great as they as they always know what to do when to complete it by and what their next task is. This as a project manager will give you the outline of what is going on within the team and give you a informed decisions of what is the next logical step in order to make the project successfull.

Microsoft Project:

This software was very effective of producing Gantt charts was very easy and straight forward, The Gantt chart told us what task to do next and the time period we have to complete it buy, this was very effective as the tasks had time periods they needed to be complete and by constantly referring to it we were able to stick to most deadlines. This was very effective as from the start we can all the tasks ahead and what needed to be done, this allowed us to think about the next task whiles concentrating on the first and what input this task will have in the next.

Initiation/Business case

This step was also very effectiveness as it gives the outline of what it should be achieved in this case what the website will and will not have, this was a very important step as it showed us what to have on the web site and what not to include in the designs.

 Meetings, Minuets/Agendas

At the beginning of each meeting there was minuets and agendas, some of them where just between the team yet others between everyone who was evolved in the project such as teams and clients. The minuets where very point directed as they decided exactly what was going to be discussed in the meeting, very effective as all points need to be hit in the meeting to have a successful meeting and find out vital information, such as whether everything is going as it should. The Agenda reflect on the Minuets and says what the outcome of the meeting is and what the next step is, this method tells all the team members exactly what to do and how to achieve it. This is a very good method of hitting all necessary items in order for the project plan to be successful.  This effectively allowed us to find out such things as what the client wants in their website, ways to keep the project in deadline conditions and ways of finishing the website.

Monitoring Team Members

At the start we said that we’ll communicate with a team throughout blogger and emails, this proofed harder than planed because although everyone checked their emails and blogs on regular it was very time consuming. Whereas Abdul had a phone which I can call Remy didn’t this meant some communicated messages between Abdul and I  never got through to him due to the fact it took too long to get a answer back. Where I would send him a email to him on a Friday afternoon to see how he’s doing with the coding aspect and finishing the website I will not get a message Saturday night time where if I want to help him with something Monday will come. With a phone the message get’s through much quicker, as I wanted to know if Abdul is finished a 2 min call will answer all my worries and solve the problem. Although communication through the computer didn’t slow down the communication too much it would of been better if it was done through a quicker method such as phone.

Tools and methodologies used in a project... D1

Tools and methodologies used in a project... D1

Microsoft Project...

Microsoft Project was used as the main source of where I draw my Gantt chart on, this enabled me to open it up add new tasks in tick off already completed ones and make adjustments to tasks which were running up a little bit late. This was also good as it gave us specific guide line when to complete each tasks by. Mile stones allowed key points and vital changes of projects points to be identified; from designing to coding is just one place this vital change point was occurring. This clear change in structure showed everyone how the project is about to differ from before.


We decided to make a project /website on the items of selling GPS hiking gear aimed at youth particular at the Duke of Edinburgh award. We made the idea (business case) come to life by giving a presentation to our client. Giving us specific time limits and deadline for when the project needs to be completed by and how many pages the website should include (15).  This was very important so each member of the team knows what they are doing and when it’s has to be completed by, because if don’t the project can fail.

Planning and Designing:

We started planning which pages should be done by who and how and what they should include in them, we gave each other time scales to match and when our own ways to create the wire frames and sitemaps for the website.

Create wire frames:

Used Paint and iPlotz both program can be used to create wireframes for a website. Both programs where fairly easy to work with, yet iPlotz because it was an online program it allowed me to edit the design from every computer with a internet access which makes the designing, easier to keep track of and most of all access. Paint is a program which is pre-installed on all PC’s, the images draw are saved as JPG or PNG file type formats which later they can still be edited.  iPlotz is a paid for service but does offer 5 designs where users can try it for free, in paint the user can make as many different pictures as she/he may want.  

Making Sitemap:

The site map shows how everything gets linked together between the website and from what page the person can go and cannot. This can be achieves by using Microsoft Visio, this program allows the lines to be drawn and pre installed images can be used. This is crucial if there is no layout of how the pages are going to be link there will be broken links.


Komodo edit is tool that enables the creation of websites this allowed us to type in the coding and then see what the actually website will look like on a Brower. Komodo edit has this tool build in its self allowing us to only work on the coding where we can see later what the coding will look like on a Browser without physically going on to programs such Internet Explorer (Browser). This tool proved to save time but also made it easier by not doing the extra work if the page was created on note pad, the preview buffer in browser button also enabled the page to be opened in a external browser which also proved to save time by not having to look for the file but open it with a click of a button. I used the latest Komodo edit 7, which has the function of predicting text, this meant that every time I wrote such things as <li> it will predict </li> straight after it giving me the ending, making it easier by not having to type it out but also making sure that the website will function correctly by making sure it’s W3C compliant. The coding also was underlined every time something was spelled wrong or there was just no need for it to be there, also helping to make the website W3C compliant. This program enables to view a number of documents rather than the conventional one allowing jumping between files to copy/paste or just view the source. This program also allows the user to open a different project folder yet still viewing the original project opened, this allowed me to copy my teams work in to the software which then I saved in order to make it into my own work. Automated space from left hand side allows each item to be viewed separated and also making it easier to read, this allowed the work to be viewed quicker as well as indentifying if any mistakes are made when coding. CSS coding was used for making everything look pretty and adjust the size, fonts and width between text, pictures and boxes.

Keeping track, Monitoring and Control

At the very begging we needed decide who is doing, this was done though a meeting to decide such factors, a agenda and minuets where used to track and say what the meeting took place about, what was decided and the action needed to be taken. Other meeting also took place to decide which design should be used for our final design and also a meeting with the clients. They were all done using this method of using agenda and minuets. This tool enabled us to find out exactly what the meeting was about and give us a chance to reflect on the project.

Blogger was a method that we used used for communication, this enables the team to post their progress on their blog enabling to understand whether they are on time with deadlines or just a method of telling the other team members of what they are up to. This is important as bad communication between team members can result to failing the project.

Monitoring what was happening with my team was a fairly hard task  as Remy only had a email address which I can only write to, as Abduls monitoring was done a little bit easier as he had a mobile phone which I can call to. When it comes to communication the telephone is the best way as I found out this way I always knew at what stage Abdul is, unlike Remy which took a bit of time to find out exactly what is going on.  


The presentation was done on time after few adjustments to my Gantt chart, the final presentation was shown and although few changes needed to occur the project was a successful one.

Project Control

The was monitored throughout the whole process, this was important as all the deadlines needed to be meant of project altered in order for the project to be a successes full. If they were not monitored deadlines will be missed the website will be incomplete and the project would of simply failed. 

Critical Path Analysis- M2

Critical Path Analysis

The very first critical path analysis diagrams where drawn during the 50’s Morgan R. Walker of DuPont and James E. Kelley the most important thing to know about this diagrams is that they always have  begging and an end to when they finish, they also include a time period of how long each task will take. In the business environment this is very important for the team manager so they can keep track of time and whether they have completed the task or not which is the most important perspective of the chart.

Benefits: this type of chart is great to use since it clearly states how long each task should take but because the chart works with estimations the time of when a task is started and ended can give flexibility to the project manager, in case of a technical failure approaches the team members. Expansion of the task can also be adjusted to the task all in order to up bring the teams end result of the task set. For example, to add an extra picture on the makings of a new webpage.

Drawbacks: Although this chart gives out a great number of detail to the project manager it’s takes a long time to produce meaning not all project leaders will be prospered to take their time to draw something in their time when they can be getting with something worth the while such as the task.

Tools used to create website... m1

Tools used to create website...           M1   

We used a number of different tools to create out website from designing it to actually physically making it.

Agenda and minuets

At the very begging we needed decide who is doing, this was done though a meeting to decide such factors, a agenda and minuets where used to track and say what the meeting took place about, what was decided and the action needed to be taken. Other meeting also took place to decide which design should be used for our final design and also a meeting with the clients. They were all done using this method of using agenda and minuets. This tool enabled us to find out exactly what the meeting was about and give us a chance to reflect on the project.

Create wire frames:

Used Paint and iPlotz both program can be used to create wireframes for a website. Both programs where fairly easy to work with, yet iPlotz because it was an online program it allowed me to edit the design from every computer with a internet access which makes the designing, easier to keep track of and most of all access. Paint is a program which is pre-installed on all PC’s, the images draw are saved as JPG or PNG file type formats which later they can still be edited.  iPlotz is a paid for service but does offer 5 designs where users can try it for free, in paint the user can make as many different pictures as she/he may want.  

Making Sitemap:

The site map shows how everything gets linked together between the website and from what page the person can go and cannot. This can be achieves by using Microsoft Visio, this program allows the lines to be drawn and pre installed images can be used. This is crucial if there is no layout of how the pages are going to be link there will be broken links.


Blogger was a method that we used used for communication, this enables the team to post their progress on their blog enabling to understand whether they are on time with deadlines or just a method of telling the other team members of what they are up to. This is important as bad communication between team members can result to failing the project.

Making the site:

Komodo edit is tool that enables the creation of websites this allowed us to type in the coding and then see what the actually website will look like on a Brower. Komodo edit has this tool build in its self allowing us to only work on the coding where we can see later what the coding will look like on a Browser without physically going on to programs such Internet Explorer (Browser). This tool proved to save time but also made it easier by not doing the extra work if the page was created on note pad, the preview buffer in browser button also enabled the page to be opened in a external browser which also proved to save time by not having to look for the file but open it with a click of a button. I used the latest Komodo edit 7, which has the function of predicting text, this meant that every time I wrote such things as <li> it will predict </li> straight after it giving me the ending, making it easier by not having to type it out but also making sure that the website will function correctly by making sure it’s W3C compliant. The coding also was underlined every time something was spelled wrong or there was just no need for it to be there, also helping to make the website W3C compliant. This program enables to view a number of documents rather than the conventional one allowing jumping between files to copy/paste or just view the source. This program also allows the user to open a different project folder yet still viewing the original project opened, this allowed me to copy my teams work in to the software which then I saved in order to make it into my own work. Automated space from left hand side allows each item to be viewed separated and also making it easier to read, this allowed the work to be viewed quicker as well as indentifying if any mistakes are made when coding. CSS coding was used for making everything look pretty and adjust the size, fonts and width between text, pictures and boxes.
Some of the HTML and CSS coding used in the website.
Make a list
Make a box
Make a table
Make symbol - ©
padding :0px;
Around item space
Size of item
Background image
display: inline;
How the list should appear on screen, in this example inline rather than going down.
display: inline;
Where item should appear on screen on left or right.
Colour of text Box
A link

Description of HTML:
HTML is mark up language i used to write my website coding in. This allowed me to write text in the forms, therefore allowing loading/downloading the page quicker. HTML is highly supportive language in result to this is used all over the internet almost all websites. Hence why all browsers are capable and supportive for this language.

HTML has "tags". There are many different types of tags, which allow for various kinds of content. Different tags have different features and have different out puts. All tags require openings and must be closed for the purpose of marking the beginning and ending points of the content. Within these tags, the user can add different text and content. This allows users to easily structure and organize their web page. the tags look like this when gets opened"<" or this when it gets closed ">".
Description of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):

CSS coding is used to edit or change the appearance of a web page, by that images can be made smaller, text font be changed ect. The CCS style sheet must be linked to HTML document in order to work in order to change these features; they can be linked with a line of code:
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="XXXXXXX.css"> (XXXX=the name of the CSS document)

The following are examples of what CSS can be used for.
· Adding borders
· Applying colour
· Editing height/width of objects
· Editing text
· Adding/editing margins
· Padding

Presenting the website:

This was done through Microsoft Power point as it’s a presentation based program which enabled easy adjustments to text, pictures and drawing items.

Review project management p10

Review project management              P10

Successful and Unsuccessful process of project management:
There was a lot of deadline that we met which is good since that’s what the point of a project plan is. Starting at the beginning of the year with the decision making of who is doing what, then we had to design the wire frames and 5 page where set the deadline on the project a week of advanced of the deadline this way we can have more time to effectively criticise our work between each other. Yet however the people in my team took far too long to complete these tasks making the project plan to suffer a little bit by moving the deadline to the normal time it was meant to be completed by, instead as the project plan suggested a week in advanced, this way we have more time to evaluate the work.  Because I completed my work as the project plan suggested but my team member didn’t this meant and a decision was made to complete other projects will need to be done instead of the one actually needed. At that point exactly that was done while waiting for the work to be completed by my team members I was doing other work for other projects.
When the work was completed we choose both of my sitemap and wireframes designs to be our final designs. My team members work yet it was submitted late it was rushed due to not planning them self what was needed to be done when needed to be done.
The next stage was to make the wireframe designs in iPlotz and the site map in Microsoft Visio at that point everyone in the team including me done the task on time and within the project plan time limit, this was good as now we are starting to stick to the project plan a little bit better as the first time experience wasn’t that great.
After creating our final designs on our advanced software package we had to evaluate it, this was done also in time.
Final comparison between the wireframes was also done on time.
The training was the part that delayed us the most due to strike action taken from the college, this meant that all the dead line needed shifting backwards. There was nothing else to do but move the deadline backwards. As we were getting training and everything was going to plan, another set of delays occurred as coming from the Easter half term break there was no one to teach us due to the teacher having a doctor’s appointment.  This was the lessons where he needed to teach us how to do 2 and 3 column way out in order to create the website as planned. During that lesson the teacher was absent we started creating the top navigation bar as well as the footer.
After the training we go on with actually creating the website, the ideal was to do all the pages as quickly as possible, so we did.  We linked everything together and showed the presentation to our client. At that stage he said that impotents need to be made in order for the projects to be successful and meet all the requirements, we are now at the stage of where everything is adjusted in order to meet these points and complete the project.

Monitoring what was happening with my team was a fairly hard task  as Remy only had a email address which I can only write to, as Abduls monitoring was done a little bit easier as he had a mobile phone which I can call to. When it comes to communication the telephone is the best way as I found out this way I always knew at what stage Abdul is, unlike Remy which took a bit of time to find out exactly what is going on.  

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Agenda 2

A G E N D A 2
Meeting (Discussing the progress of the project)   
Date: 18/04/12   Time: 9:00       (where) RUTC (1Q4)
 Remmy Mbugua, Ivaylo Georgiev, Abdulkadir Ali.

1          Agree the minutes of the previous meeting
2          Discuss the actions agreed at the previous meeting
3          Update of the progress of the project
4          Create interim deadlines for the project
5          Any other Business
M I N U T E S 2
Meeting (to discuss our responsibilities for the development of the website / title)  Date: 18/04/12 Time:                          RUTC
 (Those expected –everybody was present (Remmy, Abdul, Ivaylo)

The minutes of the meeting were agreed by all

The group discussed interim deadlines for the project
We decided on the interim deadlines and added them to our project plans
Ivaylo expressed concern that Abdul was procrastinating and was not committed to the project 
Abdul agreed that he would work with greater focus.
We discussed other disruptions to the progress of our project.
We decided to change some of the deadlines in our Gantt chart to compensate for the lost time.
Date of the next meeting
Any other Business (None)

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Project Plan final


A G E N D A 1 meeting
Meeting (to discuss who is responsible for what designs with in the group)  
Date: 11/1/12                                 RUTC
 (Abdul, Ivaylo, Remmy, clients)

1          Agree pages with clients
2          Agree who is doing what
3          Set deadline for task to be completed


M I N U T E S 1 meeting
Meeting (who is responsible for what designs with in the group)Date: 11/1/12 at 1:50                           
 (Those expected – Remmy, Abdul, Ivaylo, clients)
Those present:        Remmy, Abdul, Ivaylo, clients No absence

Agree pages with clients
Home page, Software Download, Website Policy, About Us, Contact page, Accessories, Woman’s page, Accounts Page, Log In page, Check out, men’s page, register page, product page.

Agree who is doing what
Remy-Home page, Software Download, Website Policy, About Us, Contact page

Abdul-Home page, Accessories, Woman’s page, Accounts Page, Contact page

Ivaylo-Home page, Check out, men’s page, register page, product page.
Change the contact page so both have different pages.
There was much discussion on the topics …  
But the decision is:
Remy-Home page, Software Download, Website Policy, About Us, Contact page

Abdul-Home page, Accessories, Woman’s page, Accounts Page, Log In page

Ivaylo-Home page, Check out, men’s page, register page, product page.

Date of the next meeting: 18/4/12

Friday, 11 May 2012

Designing a Web page - Where we stand

This week I completed the 5 pages!!! The home page, product page, men’s page, the register and the check out to almost complete staying on target with the amendments of the project plan. The HTML is easy to apply, but the positioning which is created by using CSS it’s proving difficult to position certain items where necessary on the screen, as it requires many adjustments to get just right.
·         the home page is 100% competed
·         the men’s page is 100% competed
·         the product page requires another image for woman section and accessories section
·         the register is 100% competed
·         check out requires the other 2 options woman’s section and accessories section.
They all require links between the pages and the other pages which will be linked to the final design wire frames. 

Monday, 7 May 2012

Designing a Web page - Where we stand

During the last week I completed the coding for the home page, meeting the deadline which I set on the project plan this was a crucial step as now we have the foundation to build the other pages from. I have also completed the product page and nearly finished the men’s page. The home page template has been send of to my other team members through email, this way they can build their pages around this temple and have them ready by Friday this week so we can do the PowerPoint presentation over the weekend so it’s ready to show them on Thursday.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Designing a Web page - Where we stand

During this week’s lessons we have started doing coding for the websites, this was very crucial as we need to meet the dead line in 2 weeks time, although we are a week behind we’ll need to work hard to catch up with the necessary coursework so this way we can meet the dead line.

At this stage we are only working on the home page but by the end of this week we hope to complete this temple this way we can work over the week end to get back to track, meet the deadline. This way we can do other pages and most of all complete the other pages.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Designing a Web page - Where we stand

Back to college and instantly there are problems, our teacher is not in to teach us the necessary things to complete our website, i.e. compliant coding and 3 page lay out. In result the deadline it will be even harder to meet and there is less time for it to be completed. In the mean while because of the absence of the teacher I have been doing other work for the other course work. This way I can meet both of the deadline moving unit 4’s further back and  the games unit to be completed now.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Designing a Web page - Where we stand + next step

I have made amendments to the project plan now working at it we will have less time to complete to the website but I am confident that the time given we still will be able to produce the final result and most importantly met the dead line.
When we get back from the Easter Holidays we as a group and I as individual we will need to work harder in class and we may need to work out side class in order to finish this in the given times scale. This is important as it’s our course work but also so the client is happy from our work and we don’t face any penalties. It important for us to work hard since there are other course work which requires doing for the other units such as graphics and games which require good finishing standards as well.  

Designing a Web page - Where we stand

During the last 5 weeks we have experienced number disruptions for the finishing of the website...
Where we left of we were at a stage to start converting the wireframe designs and site maps into a actual website using note pad.
At this stage we should of started learning new skills such as 2 columns lay outs and add pictures along with other different skills and functions which will allow us to create the website. But unfortunately there were few disruptions to our lessons because of strike actions which resolved the college to be closed and lessons not to take place. This meant that we missed out on 4 lessons during that period a whole week’s worth of lessons. This also means that now our project plan will suffer because of this and will require rearranging deadlines a little so the project plan can be meeting and the work can be finished on time. 

Monday, 12 March 2012

Designing a web page - evaluation of wire frames Att 2 D


In this section I will be comparing and evaluating the 3 designs which my group made, Abdul’s 5 wireframes designs, Remy’s 5 wireframes designs and my 5 wireframes designs. By the end of this comparison I will draw a conclusion of what the final wireframes will base our final design on.

<--Remy's design                                                                                                              Abdul's design-->


I have looked at Remy's and Abdul’s designs. They have done a pretty good job, Abduls I found it was a little bit too jumbled up by that there was too many icons at the top bar, Remy's designs where similar in the respect that all the buttons are at the top as well yet by look of things a little bit better laid out. Both designs include the main pages links which are required. By that you can go to the log in page, product page and so on, it's good!!! The positioning of the navigation buttons is random in Abduls designs, by that Remy’s designs makes the navigation process for the client a little bit easier. But all in all I find my design to be even stronger since it follows a pattern which the other designs don’t, making my designs stronger by that easier for the customer to navigate around the website. This is a key feature that the final designs need to be based on so this way we don’t draw the customers away from the website.

Shortened word: 

Here we can see how Remy’s designs can be confusing for the customer, most of the customers will not know what SDP means or PP is. We need to ensure that our final design doesn’t have these kinds of errors so the customers always know what each of the menus means.


In all of our designs there is proximity which allows the user to concentrate on specific areas which are common grouped together, this is where my designs I feel are the strongest, in comparison to Abduls designs where I feel like most items don’t belong where they should by that the design does not fit in well. For example the “software download” button is at the top of the screen in the middle of nowhere, at the bottom of the page there is other groups of buttons which don’t need to be there such as deliveries, feedback and about us. Simply because we will not be creating the following pages deliveries and feedback. About us buttons will make it easier for the customer if they found it at the top menu like in my designs which all in all that’s where it is on most websites.

In Remy's designs are well conman grouped, I feel that some of the pages links should be at the bottom of the screen such as website policy. Some of the links buttons for the other pages are missing, making the design not compatible with the matrix which shows the way the website will be operating. By this we need to make sure we make the design compatible with the matrix in order to insure that the client will get what they have asked for. My design follows the matrix very closely by that it will make an ideal choice to choose it for the base of our website since it has the buttons links already in place.

In my design I liked the way there are only 4 menu bars which makes the page really well sorted out, in Abdul’s designs the buttons are jumbled up by that I can make it difficult for the user to follow through, in Remy’s designs the buttons are better laid out but I think my ones look better and are place better, Home, Products, Software, About pages. I didn’t like the way Remy added the register page in to the menu bar I liked the way Abdul did it, it's similar to mine in the same way so its at the top corner of the webpage and has a icon instead of writing.


Abdul and Remy seemed to use be using greens in their designs as we have discussed in previews meets, in Abdul’s colours scheme we see other colours such as red and blue which don’t really go with the green in Remy’s designs there is lots of brown and black although they are earth colours they don’t look ideal for the purpose we are trying to archive in my opinion by that we should take different shades of green and use primarily only green for these designs this way the website can stay with the theme of hiking and outdoor rather than having dark or random colours which make the website look unprofessional. In comparison to their design I have used only greens in the wireframes designs, by that being another reason why my design should be used as the template to design the final designs on. If we choose ugly colours it will make our website uninviting to our customers by that there will be less of them buying our products. We need to ensure that the people will like it so they go on it therefore there will be more of a chance for people to buy the actually stuff. The green will welcome all sides of the gender tree male and female to little boys to little girls. Because it’s green the customers will automatically known and symbolise what the site is about, nature and hiking. In comparison to the black which Remy uses in he’s wire frames which may symbolise other things.


The top bar where everything is in may be a little bit too big in all of our designs, looking at other bigger websites such as or we can see how their top bar is very small this allows them more space for the products to go under it and produce more advertising. But in comparison to that our webpage will only be selling 2-3 products in comparison to which sells thousands of products the advertising needs will not be as much required as the products which all go through or therefore for filling this need.
At the bottom of the page it’s the website police page which does not require as much space as I have left on it therefore the space can be moved down a little bit so this way there is left more room for the items on the top which will be used more and is more important for them to have more space since they will allow the company to function.


None of our designs makes the page to scroll up or down, this is something that we had agreed in our previews meetings and that’s how we have designed the wireframes. This is important for both parties us and the customers, it allows everything in that group to be see together and the hustle of moving the mouse down to see the more important bits like the advertising it’s eliminated. Although the customer might not appreciate it this way they will be able to see everything there is to see on the website. All of our designs meet these points therefore are each good as each others.

The little things:

All the designs suffer from little errors, by that tweaks need to be made in order to insure that the final designs function and works properly.
·         log in wireframe does not have a “log in” Button
·         log in wireframe missing links and buttons
·         accessories wireframe does not have a “buy” Button
·         Accounts page does not require such a big recommended products box. By the no symmetry
·         The home page menu lay out is different from the rest.
·         Requires better colour scheme
·         Feedback does not need to be there.
·         The home page menu lay out is different from the rest.
·         Symmetry missing, everywhere.
·         Requires better colour scheme
·         Too much space left at the bottom for website policy
·         Tel number maybe irrelevant since we are trying to sell online


Based on the following evaluation I think my design is the strongest by that we should make our website based on it. It has the strongest colours scheme, easiest to follow, best lay out and strongest symmetry. I will persuade Abdul and Remy to agree to use my designs as a base in order to create the website required and meet requirements and specifications of the client. If we are to use their designs as they are the website will not meet the specifications asked by the client through the matrix diagram.

Action taken:

During a short meeting we agreed into using my wire frame design as the one which the website will be based on. During the final design we'll have to consider adding the register page as part of the top banner through out of the pages which I didn't add, because at first my matrix design suggested that the user should only go on it through the log in page.