Sunday, 29 January 2012

Designing a website- Part 6 - Paint VS iPlotz

 Comparison Paint Vs iPlotz....

I have used both program to create my wireframes for my website. Both programs where fairly easy to work with, yet iPlotz because it was an online program it allowed me to edit the design from every computer with a internet access which makes the designing, easier to keep track of and most of all access. Paint is a program which is pre-installed on all PC’s, the images draw are saved as JPG or PNG file type formats which later they can still be edited.  iPlotz is a paid for service but does offer 5 designs where users can try it for free, in paint the user can make as many different pictures as she/he may want.  


Both of the programs allowed drawing of boxes, they were easy gain control of and scale up or down, in paint after placing the box down there is no going back to it , to get re-sized, in iPlotz you change it at any point making it easier to work with.  In paint I used these boxes for every section for my work, in iPlotz I found other tools which I used to demonstrate the work such as pre set image boxes to demonstrate where there will be images.


Or otherwise known as components are tools which are used to demonstrate the items of the webpage, this was only available in iPlotz. Unlike paint where if I was to use such images they would have to be pasted from another file. This made my work so much more easier as I didn’t have to write down each time what the box drawn actually represents this way I was able to create the wireframe quicker and easier on iPlotz than paint.

Pre-set size:

When starting a new wire frame on iPlotz I was able to set the size of my webpage with one button at 800x600 or 1024x768, rather than guessing what the size should be as I had to do so in paint. Paint made the size difficult to guess, I had to go by my instincts in order to think of what the size is going to be.  IPlotz also had different pre set size where wireframes can be created for iphone or android, which it might be a useful tool to use when creating the site for these users. Which deals which other devices all-in –all to get rid of the guessing to tell true sizes which pages require to be.


Both programs offered a wide range of colours, iPlotz however was a little bit better since it actually say what the colour’s number 339900. This will be a very useful when the time comes to physically design the website on notepad as the number can be just re-entered and the same colour will come up. To achieve the same colour from paint on the actual website will be difficult since it will involve a lot of guessing what the colour is. Colour is important to be used in the wireframes since they would give a idea of how the page will finally come to look like. I have used colours when designing the wireframes this way I would know what I need to produce and whether it will look good before actually seeing it online.

Grid/Tabs and Alignment Lines:

These tools where only available on iPlotz. I have used these tools to correct and make sure the alignment of the components is true, so they are set as they should be and the right amount of space is left where it should be required. Paint didn’t have this kind of option instead I went and aligned the components by eye, in some places meant the boxes are not centred or are of design and moved over and place as they shouldn’t be.  I used this throughout the 5 pages and aligned the wire map so it had the necessary symmetry and made good sense of how it will look like.


Both programs had a zoom tool, allowing the page to be zoomed out and seen as a whole but also zoomed in so it’s seen as the viewer will see it on their browser, yet of course because paint didn’t have a preset size this was difficult. This tool did help out since it allowed me to zoom right in to achieve a precise alignment of the components. I used this tool on both programs to achieve what I want.


This tool was only available on iPlotz it allowed me to change some of the lay out but then set it back as it was previously when I like it. But also allowing me to go forward again and re reset the lay out. It’s good as it gave me options of before and after between a bigger time period. Paint has a undo and a redo function but after 10 clicks or so it can’t go as back into the history as iPlotz does through out history.

Sent to tool:

This tool in iPlotz allowed items to be seen on the back or forward among one another such as having them on thing or behind them. In paint this tool does not exist you don’t have the freedom of choosing how items over lap, instead they would require to be draw bottom layer first. I have used this tool for the top title bar so the logo is over the green background.